Headquarter Via Risorgive 20, Olmi di S. Biagio di Callalta 31048, TV

License for use of images

By uploading the attached picture, I the undersigned hereby


that I am either the owner, or the legitimate licensee of said picture and have full right to have it published. I hereby grant the company Padoan S.r.l. a non-exclusive, free and transferable right to reproduce, use, modify, perform and adapt said picture, without limits of time and space. In particular, I hereby authorise the company, in compliance with current legislation and the EU Reg. 2016/679, to use, process and publish the image for information purposes, including promotional, with full right of Padoan S.r.l. to adapt and / or modify it also for promotional, advertising and commercial needs.
The company Padoan S.r.l. declares that the processing of the attached picture will not in any way harm the dignity and decorum of any persons depicted therein, or in any case recognizable, nor the image of the company to which the reproduced vehicle or part of it belongs.
Padoan S.r.l. in any case, reserves the right to evaluate, according to their needs, the publication or use of any uploaded picture to their website, also including information or stories told about the pictures.
The publication / diffusion of the picture may take place on the website of the company Padoan S.r.l. or of other connected companies, on social channels such as, by way of example and not limited to, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, in print and / or on any other means of dissemination / publication, both paper and computerized.
The undersigned declares that these are not confidential information and, for the aforementioned purposes, also authorizes the storage of the aforementioned material in the company’s archives, including electronic archives, and expressly


the company Padoan S.r.l. from any and all liability arising from any type of use of said picture, including illicit, incorrect or abusive use of the photographic material uploaded to the portal created by third parties and


to claim nothing in respect of the above, therefore irrevocably renouncing any right, action or claim deriving from what is granted above.
This agreement shall be governed by Italian laws.
Unless it this is an agreement concluded with a Consumer, any dispute that may arise in relation to this agreement shall be the exclusive competence of the Court of Treviso.

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Company brochure


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Padoan Srl

Via Risorgive 20,
Olmi di S. Biagio di Callalta
31048, TV - Italie
T. +39 0422362172


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